They stole each other's "group treasure". They fought each other during sporting activities. And there were even fights among themselves. Then Sherif tried to bring the two groups back together. So they did activities together, like going to the cinema together. Oh man. Were the results bad? The boys still use every opportunity to fight each other. So he created situations where the competition would be detrimental to both sides. Here, joint cooperation was the key. And so one day the van that was the only one bringing food to the camp got stuck.
So that he could now get food, the two groups had to tackle properly and pull him out. Joint activities brought the two groups back together. On the way home, one group had some money left over and invited the other group for a milkshake. The rivalry was over. And why am I telling you all this? I wanted to use this study to show you that two Israel phone number list hostile groups got along by working together. By creating a community. Seth Godin elaborated on this topic in Tribes . He said then: Most organizations spend their time marketing to the masses. Smart organizations, on the other hand, create a tribe.
There is so much power in a strong community. But you already know that. 5. You make no association Let's think back to the ancient Persian Empire. In war every military narrator was a beacon of hope for success. he was hailed as a hero. He got food, drink and women he wanted. But if he had bad news, he was beheaded without further ado. I don't want to tell a history lesson now. I just wanted to show you that we humans always associate the bearers of a message with the message itself. Even Shakespeare said: The nature of bad news infects the bearer. We humans tend to dislike a person because they bring us uncomfortable information.