On this week's episode, Robert and I discuss how ridiculous HubSpot handled a recent scandal with a “tell-me-too” press release. Then we reflect on the phone number list chaotic world of media companies and why they will start to act more like wire services. We disagree with one columnist who thinks podcast sponsorship blurs the phone number list line between journalism and advertising and gives a boost to the growing trend of big business funding documentary films. The phone number list accolades and accolades include the social media mob mentality surrounding Cecil the Lion's death and why YouTube's biggest stars don't make as much money as you think.
Content Marketing in the News
Content Marketing and the Financial Industry (3:50): Financial marketers operate in a highly regulated industry, and their clients can no longer be categorized as only interested in business finance or only in personal finance. In our latest whitepaper, CMI takes a look at the phone number list financial industry – sharing research on how these marketers are using content marketing and highlighting examples, tips and takeaways from those who are successful. It contains startling statistics and thought-provoking case histories. If your job has anything phone number list to do with finance, you should read this report.
HubSpot fires CMO . To make matters worse, HubSpot put out a ridiculous press release that airs its dirty laundry in public. Robert and I are shocked, not only by the amount of detail shared about what happened, but also by a quote from one phone number list of her managers about how “disappointed” she is with Volpe's actions. Why include this in a press release, which is supposed to be a factual document? Robert states that this is an epic failure and an example phone number list of how not to handle this type of corporate communication.
Sponsor (36:08)
This Old Marketing is sponsored by Emma, email marketing for the phone number list modern brand. Emma is a leading provider of software and services that help organizations of all sizes get the most out of their email marketing. In Emma's new how- to guide , you'll learn how to identify (and use) the right marketing tools to create emails that really stand out in the phone number list inbox and create a personal experience for every subscriber. Download the guide now at http://bit.ly/myemma-field-guide.
Rants and raves (38:38)
Robert's rant: The phone number list recent killing of Cecil the Lion by a Minnesota game hunter draws attention to the growing problem of a mob mentality in social media. It's one of those situations that breeds what Robert calls "security outrage," where there's no discernible stance other than spitting hate at the culprit. This high degree of polarization makes it much more difficult to discuss issues on which there are legitimate dissenting opinions. Robert goes on to discuss the phone number list negative effects of mass amateurization and our diminishing threshold of outrage.
Joe's rant: My rant for this week focuses on YouTube. An article on Yahoo profiles several YouTube stars and reveals how much they earn. Once YouTube is cut by 45%, the IRS deducts taxes and the phone number list star's production costs are factored into the mix, many of them don't make as much money. I predict YouTube's revenue distribution won't be sustainable, especially if Facebook and Amazon get serious about promoting their growing video platforms.
This former marketing example of the week (56:02)
American Bee Journal:In the phone number list mid-1800s, beekeeping in America was in its infancy. There were few instruments currently commonly used by beekeepers, no conventions where they could share ideas, and no books or publications allowing knowledge to be shared.
The phone number list first book on beekeeping published in America was A Bee-Keeper's Manual in 1853. Driven by its success, Samuel Wagner launched the American Bee Journal in 1861. He quickly became the voice of innovation in this young industry, sharing new developments in hives, beekeeping instruments and techniques. A series of owners and editors published the American Bee Journal until 1912. In that year the phone number list editor retired and sold his business and the magazine to CP Dadant, America's oldest supplier of beekeeping supplies.